Guide to VR / AR Production – Finding the Right Mixed Reality Partner

May 29th, 2020

Today there is an abundance of positive VR / AR / XR solution case studies covering a huge spectrum of uses across the globe including Immersive Learning, VR Product Demos, Training Simulations, AR Guided Tours and more. Starting a conversation about your idea, concept and goals is easier than ever before. The challenge is making sure you’re speaking to the right people who will simplify exploring your needs and demonstrating how your idea could become a reality. We have put together a guide on what should be on your radar when seeking a VR / AR production company to partner with.


1 - Validate that their operation is 100% locally based  

These kinds of projects have many layers and require a lot of fine tuning. Some companies might have a local HQ but outsource programming, developer and artistic talent from overseas, often from third party agencies. This can lead to a lack of quality control, communication and deployment speed. Unfortunately we’ve seen some customers approach us with half baked projects hoping for us to take over existing files which often lead to even more work than starting from scratch.


2 - Review the brands that have previously put their trust in who you’re considering 

Mixed Reality adoption rates are increasing rapidly and many high impact brands have dipped their toe in the water to create use cases for future, larger scale projects. These brands have already gone through the hard yards to ensure they partner with a reliable team to ensure a positive result and secure future investment into enterprise level VR / AR solutions and tools.


3 - Demonstrates a client collaborative workflow alongside a clear roadmap

The ideal VR / AR development partner will put together a clear and concise road map for your project. They should demonstrate a human first, client collaborative approach to production, ensuring your team will have a voice throughout the project. You’ll want to partner with a team who can be seen as an extension of your operation and are readily available to you during the production process.


4 - They help unlock possibilities and make suggestions specific to your goals 

There are endless possibilities to what can be built into mixed reality solutions. The ideal partner should walk through features that will help elevate your concept, specific to the outcomes you’re hoping to achieve. Examples of this include built-in measurable analytics, engaging learning tools, capturing real world elements to increase immersion, tailored voice overs, customised UI. These are just a few ways to enhance the user experience. Their suggestions should be aligned with your goals instead of feeling like you’re being pressured to agree to unessential features. They should also make use case specific VR hardware recommendations instead of limiting your options to hardware they prefer using.


5 - Review their testimonials, the projects they cover and who they’re written by

You should ask about the kinds of projects they’ve previously deployed. They should be able to share some projects that feature similar mechanics or solve similar challenges you’re hoping to address with your own concept. A reputable production studio will share client testimonials that paint a solid picture of what working with them will be like.


6 - Invites your team to experience demos to show you what’s possible

Most studios should be excited for you to demo some of their work at the early stages of your project consideration, regardless of the scale of your concept. This should be working examples of relatable mixed reality experiences that will help inspire some ideas and give you a clear indication of what can be achieved. This plays a major role in collaborative solution design sessions and mapping out a plan for your own project. Depending on the scale, complexity and excitement behind the project, some studios will be eager to create a VR or AR prototype for your review. Prototypes ensure project forecasts include accurate costs, timelines and prioritises the right features, significantly lowering the risks with your decision. Prototypes are also a clear demonstration of capability and speed.


7 - Shows a complete understanding of your operation, project, goals and audience

When you make your final decision on who to work with, all of the supplied resources and interactions you’ve had should give you confidence they know exactly what you’re aiming to achieve. Their recommendations should demonstrate a total understanding of your needs. It’s important they have asked plenty of questions throughout the process and their suggestions, proposals, prototype(s) or any other resources, have taken what you’ve supplied into consideration. Apart from demonstrating solid technical abilities and reliable project execution, the ideal Mixed Reality production partner should feel like an ideal collaborative fit to your operation.


If who you're considering has checked off all seven of these points as part of your decision making process, then you’ll be in good hands. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a production studio no matter what stage you’re at with considering a Mixed Reality Solution.


7DX has been deploying VR / AR solutions and tools since 2016. Our team is 100% Australian based and excited to show you what’s possible with today’s resources, technology and project methodologies. Contact us today.

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