Why Australia is turning to VR Training Simulations for Skill Development

September 27th, 2020

There has been an explosion in demand for Immersive Learning and VR Experiences with further development underway across the globe. As workforces begin to adapt to new conditions, Training Simulations now make sense for all kinds of learning situations. Training Simulations aren’t new. Across the years they have been leveraged by Fortune 500 companies, medical fields, military sectors, even NASA. This has been driven by solid scientific evidence to support Immersive Learning and VR Simulations enhances memory retention.


VR Memory Retention Benefits

Today we’re looking at Immersive Learning in new ways. The Australian Defence Force stated in their recent Defence Enterprise Learning Strategy 2035 they are looking to “exploit” VR, AI and gaming tech as part of a broader shift in education philosophy:


“Previously the emphasis was on the learner to maintain their attention and engagement, however, increasingly the emphasis is now on the education and training provider to provide content in a way that is more engaging.”


This mindset is spreading across all sectors, operations big and small, quickly becoming the new norm. The impact to working conditions and shift in priorities, caused by unprecedented health and economic events, have left many operations wondering “where to next?”


What's new in VR Learning & Development

To meet the demand for the rapid change in circumstances, Immersive Learning production teams have also stepped up to play their role in our changing world. To make this form of learning more accessible, we’ve seen new approaches unlock:

  • Barriers to entry of Immersive Learning Curriculum design and Simulation production, with new frameworks to simplify analysis, save development time and significantly reduce costs.
  • Reduction in upfront hardware investment with operations offering contract free, short term hardware leasing and multi day on-site activations to keep hardware circulating across more learners.
  • Immersive Learning evaluation plans, with production teams providing significantly more obligation-free time investment to help determine which learning scenarios uncover the ideal opportunity to measure the impact of Training Simulation rollouts for future investment.
  • Flexible and enhanced collaborative approaches allowing projects to move forward faster than ever before, allowing all parties involved to continue to work remotely.
  • Assistance in Training Simulation rollout plans, using proven approaches that remove guesswork from transforming traditional learning into Immersive Learning experiences.
  • Plug and play analytic tools ready to be built into experiences to track, measure and enhance Upskill Simulation results, deployed at no extra production cost.

Upskill Simulations are being designed, built and deployed in new ways to serve the times we’re working through, to serve the people who need it the most. 


Training Simulation Operational Impact

We’ve all been impacted differently. Travel restrictions, hiring freezes, temporary closures, social distancing, mandatory workplace restructuring are just some of the challenges we face today. We do know that in times of crisis, your people are your greatest strength. 

We’ve seen incredible stories about manufacturing teams pivot to produce ventilators and face masks. Teams have staggered working hours to spread their workforce and reduce concurrent head counts at the workplace. Medical fields are recruiting new heroes to join the frontlines faster than ever before. Classroomless Educators remain dedicated to learners of all ages, to keep our population developing their minds and skills. For many, work and home life have merged to avoid travelling and still keep the lights on. People have stepped up to prove that we can make it work, banding together, building trust faster than before.

In return, leaders are prioritising decisions to invest in their people by fast tracking their career growth, responsibilities and the impact they can have. The backbone to this is upskilling your workforce.

See our VR Training Simulations in action:

7DX has been deploying VR / AR solutions and tools since 2016. Our team is 100% Australian based and excited to show you what’s possible with today’s resources, technology and project methodologies.

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