6 of the main reasons Extended Reality (xR) is disrupting corporate L&D

June 28th, 2019

Almost everyone that works within the fields of HR and Learning and Development agrees that technologies like Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality will transform the way that we train and accelerate the learning, development and performance of our employees. The truth, however, is that it already has and the opportunity for organisations to leverage these technologies is here right now. More than that, the corporations that are applying these technologies and solutions are seeing a wide range of benefits both to staff and the businesses they represent.

There has been rigorous testing and analysis of the benefits of Extended Reality and as Todd Maddox, Ph.D. purports in his excellent recent study the main benefits of applying xR technologies to L&D are as follows:

· Faster learning and stronger retention

· Reduced training time

· Time-effective, cost-effective and scalable training across a variety of hard skills, soft skills and situational awareness

· Ability to train expensive, dangerous and rare situations in total safety and to expertise

· Improved understanding of the learning process through subjective, objective, attention, and engagement metrics built from xR Big Data

· More effective, efficient, and valuable learning environments

You can download the full report on this link.

7DX is applying these technologies to help our clients realise these benefits right now with significant and positive results for partners like Salesforce, AMP, Telstra, Transport for NSW and the NRL.

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